Container Queries in Tailwind With Fallback
Read time: 15 min.

Photo by Venti Views on Unsplash
Container Queries Are Coming!
Container queries are coming! Container queries are here! Container queries are awesome! Container queries are still not supported by 35% of users browsers in late 2022⁉ Container queries are a new feature that is going to greatly simplify our ability to make webpages look good on all screen sizes, small to jumbo. You can find out more at mdn web docs or
Currently in 2022 reports that only 65% of browsers support container queries. That means roughly 35% of users will not see your page correctly if you use container queries without a fallback. That is A LOT of users that are going to get a horrible experience.
If I want most users to have a great experience on my sites and I want to use container queries, a fallback is going to be needed for each component that uses container queries.
I looked into using a polyfill such as container-query-polyfill, but it was becoming to complicated, had too many caveats, and would add more JS (bloat). Another consideration was that my personal websites don't need to be perfectly identical for all users. I'm ok with showing a very good layout to some users and a pitch perfect amazing layout to others. I just need my fallback to work for most users. I would also like to be able to use tailwindcss because tailwind is highly scalable, easy to update, and I already use it across multiple frameworks and sites that I run.
Fortunately tailwindcss already has a plugin/experimental feature to support container-queries. The challenge is going to be coming up with a fallback that is dead simple, easy to maintain, and works for most users. The solution is going to be to implement container queries and use media queries as a fallback.
Why Change At All?
You may be asking yourself why should I switch from media queries to container queries? While media queries do a great job in most cases, there is always that one case where a mid-size screen mangles the content layout a single component/card (I'm looking at you iPad 😖). We could create an entirely new breakpoint just to accommodate that one component, but that isn't what media queries are designed for. Media queries are designed to handle the layout of the page based on the screen size. They are not designed to shift the layout of the content inside of a single component. There are lots of other reasons to switch but this article is about how to make the switch as easy and simple as possible.
Initial Setup
The first step is to install tailwindcss and the container-queries plugin. There are good instruction about how to install tailwindcss on the tailwindcss website so I will not go over that here.
There are also good instructions about how to install the container-queries plugin on the github repo. I will just show the basic install command here. Note: You must be using tailwindcss 3.2 or greater for this to work
$> npm install @tailwindcss/container-queries
Then add the plugin to your tailwind.config.js
tailwind.config.jsmodule.exports = {theme: {// ...},plugins: [require('@tailwindcss/container-queries'),// ...],}
Using Tailwindcss Container Queries
This is pretty simple and explained well on the tailwind container queries plugin page. After installing
and setting everything up you can declare the parent container that you want to act as the container for
your query with @container
. You can then conditionally style any children elements of that
parent using classes like @lg:underline
or @md:underline
. For more specific breakpoints you can use
square bracket notation such as @[12.5rem]:text-purple
or @[600px]:font-bold
. This last one will
give the text a bold color style if the parent container with the @container
class is wider than 600px.
The @md
and @lg
are predefined in the plugin as 28rem and 32rem respectively and can be read about on the
plugins github page. This Youtube
video is quite good as well.
html<div class="@container"><div class="@lg:underline"><!-- This text will be underlined when the container is larger than `32rem` --></div></div>
Mixing Container and Media Queries
OK, we know how to create components to use container queries using tailwind. All we have to do now is throw in our media queries and voila, browsers without support have media queries and those with support will use container queries....maybe something like this...
test<div class="@container"><div class="flex flex-col md:flex-row @[600px]:flex-row"><!-- Some more divs here --></div></div>
Actually, this doesn't work! The problem is that the media queries take precedent over the container queries. Trying to implement both of them at the same time just ends up with all browsers displaying the styles based on media queries and pretty much ignoring the container query. So all of that work to make the elements flow in a row based on the container size is undone.
I tried using the !important
keyword as well as changing the order of the classnames, but neither fixed
the issue.
The Solution
The solution is to use @supports logic so that media query based styles only apply when the browser doesn't support container queries. The logic is...if the browser doesn't support container queries use media queries, else use container queries.
The good news is that tailwindcss has supported the @supports query since at least version 3.2. The bad news is that the documentation does not make it clear how to use it with the not keyword.
This is ultimately the html and css we want...
css/* use container query */.container {container-type: inline-size;}.some-component {display: flex;flex-direction: column;}/* use container query */@container (min-width: 600px) {.some-component {flex-direction: row;}}/* use media query if container query not supported */@supports not (container-type: inline-size) {@media (min-width: 768px) {.some-component {flex-direction: row;}}}
html<div class="container"><div class="some-component"><!-- Some more divs here --></div></div>
That is actually kind of a lot of CSS to maintain, and it isn't very clear. To get this same code with tailwindcss all we need to do is...
html<div class="@container"><divclass="flex flex-col@[600px]:flex-rowsupports-[not(container-type:inline-size)]:md:flex-row"><!-- Some more divs here --></div></div>
I've broken up the class names for readability. The @container
sets up the container we want to use for
our container query. The @[600px]:flex-row
tells browsers that support container queries to change to
flex-row when the container is greater than 600px. Browsers that don't support container queries will
ignore this. The supports-[not(container-type:inline-size)]:md:flex-row
tells browsers that don't
support container queries to use the md:
medium screen size media query. While that supports-[not..]
line may look a little ugly it is actually quite maintainable and scalable compared to the css above.
While this is a pretty good solution, there are some caveats and issues you may run into.
The big caveat is that you may still end up with some funky stuff in the edge cases with users
who are using a browser that doesn't support container queries. There is also the fact that simply
testing if the browser supports container-type: inline-size
may not be a completely fool proof solution
to determine if a browser fully supports container queries correctly.